Registrar's Office

Registration Information

Students are able to register for classes using Banner Self-Service once they are cleared to do so by their academic advisor. This page features information, deadlines and key dates pertaining to the registration process. Students who have a registration hold on their account will be unable to register for classes and should contact the appropriate office or department for assistance.

Key Calendar Dates 2024-2025 Academic Year

Reference Guide for Understanding the Schedule Codes
Class Schedule

Incoming Transient/Non-Degree Seeking Students

Student – Plan Ahead Banner Self-Service

Faculty – Plan Ahead Banner Self-Service

Consortium course options

BACHE           COPLAC              Study Away
BACHE Course Exchange

The Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE) provides a Cooperative Course Exchange Program. This program allows UM student to enroll in up to one course a semester at a participating institutions. More information is available on the BACHE website. Any UM student interested in participating should contact their academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office. General guidelines follow.

  • In order to participate in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program, individuals must be full time, regularly admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate students at a member institution.
  • Only undergraduate courses can be taken through the Cooperative Course Exchange agreement.
  • Courses may meet in person at the Host campus or meet online.
  • Unless circumstances of a specific and justifiable nature warrant otherwise, students are limited to taking one course per academic term through the cooperative arrangement.  Any exceptions to this principle will require the approval of the chief academic officer of the Home institution or his or her designated representative.
  • Enrollment in classes at a Host institution is to be on a space-available basis.
  • Enrollment in a specific class gives a student access only to those facilities at the Host institution needed to complete the requirements of that class.
  • There will be no additional cost beyond the tuition/fee charges at the home institution to students participating in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program except for associated laboratory or other special fees at the host institution.
  • Students will observe all regulations in effect at the Host institution during the term in which they are enrolled including, but not limited to, adherence to honor codes, attendance policies, calendar deadlines and procedures for withdrawing from classes.

Home institution refers to the institution the student normally attends. Host institution refers to the institution offering the BACHE course.
Request Form

COPLAC Shared Online Courses

The Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) offers a limited number of shared online courses using synchronous and asynchronous distance technology. The online courses address unmet needs at the Home institution, broaden program offerings, and offer intellectual and experiential opportunities to students that travel costs, tuition cost, etc., might otherwise prohibit. More information and available course listings are available on the COPLAC website. Any UM student interested in participating should contact their academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office. General guidelines follow.

  • Students admitted (full-time, part-time, “special” undergraduate or graduate status) at a participating COPLAC institution and who have completed required prerequisite courses or are otherwise at an appropriate level to participate will be accepted by the host institution.
  • Each student participating in a shared course will follow the host institution’s deadlines, procedures, and policies used for its students related to enrollment, adding, dropping, withdrawing, etc.
  • The Host institution decides the learning management system used for instruction, enrollment limit, grading policies, and delivery method.

Home institution refers to the institution the student normally attends. Host institution refers to the institution offering the COPLAC Shared Online course.

Study Away/Abroad


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